Virtual Visits

Virtual Visit FAQ:

  • We will send you a link to have a video chat with a veterinarian. This can be done on a smart phone (preferred) or on a computer that has a camera and microphone. Whichever option you choose, make sure you can point the camera at your pet, as the veterinarian will usually need to do a visual examination in addition to discussing the case with you. Depending on the situation, the veterinarian may be able to prescribe treatments, give advice about next steps going forward, or may decide that an in person examination is necessary to determine what is really going on with the patient.

  • While it is possible to do a virtual veterinary examination at a computer, it is often difficult because the doctor will need to look at your pet during the visit, and it is often tricky to point a camera at them if it is attached to your computer. We strongly recommend downloading the Google Meet App for your virtual visit so that you can easily point your phone camera at your pet during the visit.

  • According to Arizona law, the consent form must be signed before a virtual visit can take place. If you have absolutely no way to access a printer, please contact us for an alternative solution.

  • Every case is different, but some good examples that might be managed with only a virtual visit would include:

    • Pets with a chronic condition that is already being well managed, but they need a refill of their medication

    • Pets with a mild condition such as an upper respiratory infection, a rash, or diarrhea that is not accompanied by any other serious symptoms

    • Pets who have already had x-rays, bloodwork, or other testing done by a different veterinarian, and need a second opinion

    • Pets with behavioral issues

    • Pets with anxiety related to travel or fireworks

    • Ear infections. The veterinarian will need to look directly into your pet’s ears with an otoscope before prescribing any treatment. Unfortunately, this cannot be done in a virtual visit.

    • Severe digestive symptoms (not eating, vomiting numerous times in a day, unable to keep down food or water, lethargic or weak)

    • Labored breathing, coughing, or wheezing

    • Conditions that require controlled drugs (example: seizures)

    • Any pet that seems severely ill

  • The current fee is $45 for the first 30 minutes. If a virtual visit is extended beyond 30 minutes, additional fees may apply.

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